¥È¥Ã¥× «Á°¤ÎÆüµ­(2004-10-24) ºÇ¿· ¼¡¤ÎÆüµ­(2004-10-26)» ÊÔ½¸


¢£ [Dynabook][Gentoo] Apache¤Î¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë


USE="mmx sse apm pcmcia usb nls cjk ssl alsa canna svga X truetype opengl kde qt -gnome apache2 perl php ruby python"
# emerge apache php mod_php mod_ssl perl ruby		[Ìó430ʬ]
# ebuild /var/db/pkg/dev-php/mod_php-4.3.9/mod_php-4.3.9.ebuild confi
 * Due to some previous bloopers with PHP and slotting, you may have
 * multiple instances of mod_php installed. Please look at the autoclean
 * output at the end of the emerge and unmerge all but relevant
 * instances.
 * Edit /etc/conf.d/apache2 and add "-D PHP4" to APACHE2_OPTS
 * This is a CHANGE from previous behavior, which was "-D PHP"
 * This is for the upcoming PHP5 support. The ebuild will attempt
 * to make this update between PHP and PHP4 automatically

# ebuild /var/db/pkg/net-www/mod_ssl-2.8.19/mod_ssl-2.8.19.ebuild config # emacs /etc/conf.d/apache2 APACHE2_OPTS="-D SSL -D PHP4" # emacs /etc/apache2/conf/ # rc-update add apache2 default

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